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Similarly, is a flare gun considered a weapon?
A flare gun is considered a firearm.Youcan carry it on your person, at least on land, under hesameconditions and circumstances as you could carry a revolverorsemi-automatic pistol
Just so, is it legal to shoot a flare gun?
It is absolutely legal to use a flaregunfor its intended purpose. In most places, flare gunsarelegally available to everyone over the age of 18becauselegal authorities want people to be able to useflareguns in the event that somebody becomes stranded andneedsrescue.
No, but you must obey all lawsregardingflare launchers (they're launchers, notguns), whichare very strict, even though they don't warnyou about anyof these laws when you buy theflare launcher at theboating store. Keep the flaregun on your boat at alltimes.