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Moreover, what size tank do you need for discus?
If you keep a pair of companions with plants,thenyou require a 65-gallon tank. Recommendeddimensionsare 40” x 20” x 20”. The two fishshould beof the same size and at least 14 cm long.Rearing group ofdiscus will need a 50 gallontank for 10fish.
Beside above, how many discus Can I put in a 30 gallon tank?
A 30-gallon tank size is ideal for3discus fish. You can keep them, breed them and care forthemin the best manner by cleaning theirtankregularly.
If one cleans their tank and gravel once every5to 7 days on a regular basis, completes a 25% water change,anddoes not overfeed, you can stock a 100-gallon tank with35to 40 adult Discus fish. This stock level will resultinyour Discus fish growing evenly.