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Asked by: Waltraut Viuda
religion and spirituality hinduismHow many Gotras are there in Hindu religion?
Besides, what does gotra mean in Hindu religion?
????) means clan. It broadly refersto peoplewho are descendants in an unbroken male line from a commonmaleancestor or patriline. Generally the gotra formsanexogamous unit, with the marriage within the samegotrabeing prohibited by custom, being regarded asincest.
Also to know, how many gotra are there in India?
49 gotras
In most cases, the system is patrilineal andthegotra assigned is that of the person's father. Anindividualmay decide to identify his lineage by a differentgotra, orcombination of gotras. According to strictHindu tradition,the term gotra is used only for the lineagesof Brahmin,Kshatriya and Vaishya varnas.