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Asked by: Clelia Borjesson
food and drink desserts and bakingHow many grams are in a teaspoon of almond butter?
(*) or precisely 4.9979 grams. All values areapproximate.
Besides, how many grams is a teaspoon of nut butter?
8 grams
US cup to Gram Conversion Chart - Almondbutter.
US cups to grams of Almond butter | ||
1 US cup | = | 240 grams |
2 US cups | = | 480 grams |
4 US cups | = | 960 grams |
5 US cups | = | 1200 grams |
In respect to this, what is one serving of almond butter?
All five of our experts are nuts for almondbutter. A standard 2-Tbsp serving of plainalmond butter has 196 calories, about 7 grams of protein anda bunch of fat—about 18 grams.
In fact, the only potential downside is overconsumption(and we can't help you with that one!). It's a calorie dense food– just like the raw almonds it is made from –but a little almond butter every day is an excellent way toadd extra vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fibre into yourdiet.