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Asked by: Ares Drunse
home and garden home appliancesHow many hours will a Kohler Courage engine last?
Don't want to be the bearer of bad news however, The Courage engine will more than likely never even get close to 2000 hrs. If you take really good care with how hard you run it and how frequent you change the oil and use synthetic oil you may get another 500 to 700 hrs. but that will just about let it out.
Thereof, how many hours do Kohler engines last?
We currently have over 12,000 hours on old K582 and 9,000 hours on a Kohler Command 25hp. Both had oil leak issues, but a little maintenance and oil gasket replacement seals up the leaks and they run great.
Accordingly, how many hours does a mower last?
1500 hours
Kohler is a great engine depending on which model it is. They have great models and ok models. Kawasaki is a top of the line engine. Kawasaki seems to have fewer problems.