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Asked by: Nikolaev Werthmanns
technology and computing cameras and camcordersHow many images are seen in a periscope?
Similarly, you may ask, how many images are formed in kaleidoscope?
kaleidoscope is an instrument based onmultiplereflection .It forms several images all depending ontheangle. One object is placed in a kaleidoscope and11images are formed.
what is a periscope How many mirrors are there in a periscope?
Periscope is an optical instrument which isusedto see objects which are otherwise hidden byobstacles.There are mainly two plane mirrors whichare placedat an angle of 45 degree at the to right angled terms oftheperiscope.
A periscope works by using two mirrors tobouncelight from one place to another. A typical periscopeusestwo mirrors at 45 degree angles to the direction one desirestosee. The light bounces from one to the other and then out tothepersons eye.