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Asked by: Wenhua Newberry
healthy living womens healthHow many inches should your belly be at 22 weeks pregnant?
Then, how do I know if my baby is OK at 22 weeks pregnant?
Though her eyelids are still sealed shut, babycanperceive light and dark now. Shine a flashlight on yourtummyand see if she moves. Baby's ears are beginningtohear and process sounds from inside your body —yourbreathing, your rumbling tummy, your heartbeat.
Keeping this in view, how big should bump be at 22 weeks?
A typical belly at 22 weeks pregnant will bearound20 to 24 centimetres from pelvic bone to the top oftheuterus.
Belly size is not an indicator As humans we are all individuals, and thesizeand shape of a pregnant woman's belly willdepend onmany factors (even at identical stages ofpregnancy)including: Your height and weight. If this is yourfirst orsubsequent baby. What position your baby islyingin.