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Asked by: Johan Marhoffer
hobbies and interests stamps and coinsHow many marks of grace do you get an hour?
Also know, how long does it take to get marks of grace?
Obtaining marks of grace Marks of grace are obtained randomly while traversing obstacles on Rooftop courses. Higher level courses have a greater chance of spawning marks. When a mark appears on the course, players have 10 minutes to pick up a mark before it disappears.
Beside this, how often do you get marks of grace?
It is also possible to obtain marks of grace every lap or every other lap by collecting a mark of grace, moving 1 section forward in the agility course, waiting 3-4 minutes, and then continuing onto the next lap.
• Level 90-99: Ardougne Agility Course With them completed and at a maximum xp rate, you will get 22.5 Marks of grace per hour, so around 200k OSRS gold per hour.