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Asked by: Junaid Levann
science space and astronomyHow many miles can you see before the earth curves?
Herein, can you see the Earth's curvature?
It is possible to see the effect ofthecurvature of the earth from sea level(shipsdisappearing over the horizon). To actually seethecurvature directly (ie to be able to see thehorizonas an arc, rather than a straight line) requires an altitudeofover 50,000 feet.
Similarly, you may ask, how much does the earth curve in 6 miles?
However, it turns out that while the earthdoescurve 8 inches in one mile, it does not take9miles to curve 72 inches. To show this, let usreturnto the Pythagorean Theorem method used by Harley, butusing6 feet for the curvature.
The Earth has a radius of approximately3965miles. Using the Pythagorean theorem, that calculates toanaverage curvature of 7.98 inches per mileorapproximately 8 inches per mile (squared).