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Asked by: Xiaowei Henell
video gaming music and party video gamesHow many musical notes are there in total?
In Western music, there are atotalof twelve notes per octave, named A, A#, B, C,C#, D, D#, E,F, F#, G and G#. The sharp notes, or'accidentals', fall onthe black keys, while the regular or'natural' notes fall onthe white keys. As well as sharps,the black keys can also be flats- ie, Bb, Db, Eb, Gb, andAb.
In this manner, how many notes is there in music?
seven notes
Similarly one may ask, what are the 12 musical notes?
Twelve-Tone Musical Scale
Number of Semitones | Interval Name | Notes |
1 | semitone | C-C♯ |
2 | whole tone | C-D |
3 | minor third | C-E♭ |
4 | major third | C-E |
The music scale has eight notes tocompletean octave. By adding the eighth not to the sevennote names,an octave is created. An octave creates acomplete cycle. Forexample play the notes C, D, E, F, G, A,B, how does itsound.