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Asked by: Diallo Unterbusch
technology and computing web hostingHow many names can a San certificate have?
Likewise, people ask, how do I create a SSL certificate with multiple common names?
Multiple Names on One Certificate
- Generate the Certificate Request File. For a generic SSL certificate request (CSR), openssl doesn't require much fiddling.
- Self-sign and create the certificate:
- Package the key and cert in a PKCS12 file:
- Import the certificate.
- Configure SSL Settings.
Also asked, what is San name in certificate?
A Subject Alternate Name (or SAN) certificate is a digital security certificate which allows multiple hostnames to be protected by a single certificate. A SAN certificate may also be called a Unified Communication Certificate (or UCC), a multi-domain certificate, or an Exchange certificate.
Multi-Domain (SAN) SSL Certificates. A Multi-Domain SSL certificate, also known as a UCC, Unified Communications certificate, or SAN certificate, is a type of certificate that uses Subject Alternative Names (SANs) to secure multiple host names.