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Asked by: Arie Benach
food and drink desserts and bakingHow many ounces are in a 3 gallon tub of ice cream?
ounces and gallons) the question gets easier. The folksat Edy's ice cream use 1/2 cup as the standard size of a singlescoop of ice cream. This is a fairly descent size scoop. There are96 scoops of ice cream in a 3 gallon tub.
In this way, how many ounces are in a gallon of ice cream?
All you need to do is to consider that one spooncontains 4 ounces of ice cream. So, the answer isthat one gallon of ice cream is equal to 32spoons.
Additionally, how many gallons of ice cream do I need for 200 people?
Supplies. These amounts will serve 200 People.For 50 people, allow 3 gallons of ice cream and 1/4 of theother toppings.
HEINZ, TOMATO KETCHUP, UPC: 01389900 weigh(s)287.42 gram per (metric cup) or 9.59 ounce per (US cup), andcontain(s) 118 calories per 100 grams or ≈3.527 ounces[ weight to volume | volume to weight | price | density]