Asked by: Sajid Bukal
sports canoeing and kayaking

How many pages does Sunrise Over Fallujah have?

Sunrise over Fallujah
Genre Fiction
ISBN 13 9780439916257
Format Paperback Book
Pages 320

Accordingly, is Sunrise Over Fallujah a true story?

Sunrise Over Fallujah. A powerful new novel about the heroics and horror of war from Walter Dean Myers, whose bestselling book FALLEN ANGELS celebrates its 20th anniversary. But the young men and women in the military's Civil Affairs Battalion have a simpler name for it: WAR.

Secondly, how did Jonesy die in Sunrise over Fallujah? Sunrise over Fallujah takes place during the Iraq war. In the end, Jones, or Jonesy dies, when trying to rescue one of the blind "kidnapped" Iraq children, Jonsey dies because during the time a bomb was going off.

Herein, what genre is Sunrise Over Fallujah?


Where does Sunrise Over Fallujah take place?

Sunrise Over Fallujah takes place in Iraq in 2003 during the Iraq war where the main character is part of the civil affairs group dealing with the Iraq society. The theme of Sunrise Over Fallujah is that all war is war.

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What is the climax of Sunrise over Fallujah?

Jonesy's death marks the climax of Sunrise Over Fallujah. Jonesy died protecting a blind child from a firefight, a noble sacrifice during a questionable mission. His death has a profound effect on everyone in the unit, especially Birdy and Sergeant Harris.

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Who is Birdy in Sunrise over Fallujah?

Robin “Birdy” Perry
Birdy is an eighteen-year old kid from Harlem, New York. After witnessing the events of 9/11, he felt helpless and wanted to do something to make a difference. Against his father's wishes, he joined the army.

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What is the goal of the civil affairs unit in Sunrise over Fallujah?

He becomes part of the Civil Affairs unit, dedicated to winning the hearts and minds of Iraqi civilians following combat operations. Birdy's unit does everything from handing out supplies, to playing soccer with kids, to trying to soothe things over following accidental deaths.

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What is the final mission of the Civil Affairs Unit in Sunrise over Fallujah?

After the U.S. has taken over Iraq their unit goes from city to city helping any Iraqi people that are in need. They do their job so well that they are assigned to do a very important mission near the Iran border, a very dangerous area. Their mission is to find where the detonators are coming into Iraq from.

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What is the theme of Sunrise over Fallujah?

One theme in Sunrise Over Fallujah is the bravery and courage it takes to be a soldier fighting in a combat zone. This theme is developed throughout this novel. Early in the book Birdy does not think he has enough courage and bravery to go to war after seeing how much better Marla and Jonesy are at being soldiers.

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What is the final mission of the Civil Affairs Unit?

The Civil Affairs unit is instrumental in carrying out the fourth and final phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the goal of which is rebuild Iraq and install a democracy by winning the hearts and minds of noncombatants.

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Why did Walter Dean write fallen angels?

He wrote Fallen Angels , in part, in tribute to his younger brother who was killed in Vietnam. “I though the romantic presentations of war influenced my joining and my presentation of war to my younger siblings, ” Myers said in a recent interview .