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Moreover, how many forex traders are there in the world?
According to to the latest analysis and Infographics bybrokers of the world it is said that there are morethan 10 million forex traders online or 1 out of 750 people.Forex market daily floats with more than 5.5 Trillion+ USDollar $ On weekdays.
Similarly, what percentage of forex traders are successful?
That's about a 3.5% to 4.5% success rate.Approximately another 10 made money, but not enough to keep themtrading. If success is defined as just beingnegligibly profitable (for at least a couple months) thesuccess rate is about 6% to 8%.
Lack of knowledge about stock markettrading This brings us to the single biggest reason why mosttraders fail to make money: lack of knowledge. Moreimportantly, they also implement strong money management rules,such as a stop-loss and position sizing to ensure they minimisetheir risk and maximise profits.