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Asked by: Irmgard Moratal
video gaming esportsHow many perks can you have in Black Ops 2 zombies?
Also to know is, how many perks can you have in bo2 zombies?
There are 13 Perk-a-Colas in total, however,players can only limit themselves to four Perks,unless special methods are used.
In respect to this, what are the drinks in Black Ops 2 zombies?
Perk-A-Colas are drinkable Perks in Call of Duty Black OpsII's Zombies Mode.
Only four perks can be bought at one time, but the Perk-A-ColaBottle Power Up will allow you to get more.
- Deadshot Daiquiri.
- Double Tap II Root Beer.
- Electric Cherry.
- Jugger-Nog.
- Mule Kick.
- PhD Flopper.
- Quick Revive.
- Speed Cola.
Four new playable characters: Misty, Marlton, Samuel,and Russman. Six Perk-a-Colas: Speed Cola, Quick Revive,Juggernog, Stamin-Up, a new version of Double Tap Root Beer namedDouble Tap 2.0, as well as a new perk called Tombstone Soda(see below). Two new types of enemies: The Avogadro, and theDenizens.