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Asked by: Cornell Ewin
technology and computing cameras and camcordersHow many photos and videos can 2gb hold?
As some space is reserved by system so It maybearound 2000 MB of memory that you can use store ona2GB SD card. If each image is of 1MB in size thenyoucan store up to 2000 images on 2GBSDcard.
Then, how many pictures will a 2gb card hold?
Megapixels | File size (MB) | 2GB |
4MP | 1.2 | 1430 |
5MP | 1.5 | 1144 |
6MP | 1.8 | 953 |
7MP | 2.1 | 817 |
Similarly, you may ask, how many videos can 2gb hold?
How Many Hours Of Video Can A2GBMemory Card Hold? Depending upon the quality ofthevideo you wish to store on your 2 GB memory card, itcanhold anything between 20 minutes and 45 minutesofvideo.
256MB Memory Sticks A 256MB memory stick canholdapproximately 250 two- to four-megapixel images, 120five-to six-megapixel images, 85 seven- toeight-megapixelimages, or 60 nine- to10-megapixelimages.