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Asked by: Blaine Savitzky
technology and computing cameras and camcordersHow many photos will a 2gb memory card hold?
Accordingly, how much can a 2gb SD card hold?
If it is a low quality recording, it shouldholdup to 45 minutes or more. A 2 GB memory card willalsohold around 770 high quality photos or 34 hours ofmusic. Itcan sometimes work out to be much moreeconomical tobuy a larger memory card which will holdconsiderablymore data.
Accordingly, how many pictures do SD cards hold?
A memory card collects the dataofany scene that you photograph. You may find thatthetype of memory card comes down to yourcameramanufacturer.
Best Answer: Assuming that the avg size photo is500K,then a 1TB HD will hold around 2 million photos. Thearithmetic iseasy: 1TB = 1000 gb = 1000000 mb = 1000000000kilobytes.Divide 500 kilobytes into that for 2000000.