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Asked by: Jocabed Lembke
sports fishing sportsHow many pounds are in a bushel of little neck clams?
In this regard, how many little neck clams are in a pound?
Little Neck: The smallest size ofclam,amountingto 7-10 clams per pound. CherryStone:Alittle larger, you'll get 6-10 cherry stoneclamsperpound. Top Neck: These are sometimesalso labeledascount neck clams, and they equal roughly 4clamsperpound.
Beside above, how many little neck clams are in a bushel?
If you are buying littlenecks, there areapproximately400clams per bushel. If you are buyingtopnecks,there areapproximately 200 clams perbushel. If youare buyingcherrystones, there will be 150clams perbushel. Ifyou are buying chowders, thereare 100 clamsin abushel.
A quart is one and a quarter to one andahalfpounds. There are typically 13-18steamersperquart.