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Asked by: Deane Haarnagel
automotive pickup trucksHow many quarts of oil does a Cummins ISX hold?
could be anywhere from 10-14 gallons.MyCummins N14 takes 11 gallons while a new ISXCumminscan take 14 gallons. IIRC, Series 60 Detroits take 10gallons and Ibelieve 3406E cats also take 10. Cat engines go from21 to 44quarts.
Considering this, how many gallons of oil does a m11 Cummins hold?
10.3 gallons
In this manner, how much oil does a Cummins diesel engine hold?
Cummins Engine Oil. All 5.9LCumminsturbodiesels (6BT and ISB) feature a 12 quartoil capacity(with filter change) and share the sameoilfilter.
Advertised Horsepower | 385-600 hp | 287-447 kW |
Oil System Capacity | 14 U.S. gallons | 52.9 liters |
System Weight | 3,093 lb | 1,403 kg |
Engine (Dry) | 3,021 lb | 1,370 kg |
Aftertreatment* | 72 lb | 33 kg |