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Asked by: Toure Grases
sports horse racingHow many questions does the first Impossible Quiz have?
100 questions
Herein, how many people have completed the impossible quiz?
The Impossible Quiz | |
Number of Questions | 110 |
Difficulty (1-10) | 10 (unusable Power-ups) |
Frustration Level (1-10) | 10 (final question: 11) |
Initial Release | 20 February 2007 (Flash) 30 October 2009 (iOS) |
In respect to this, how many questions are in the impossible quiz 3?
100 questions
Whinny is both a noun and a verb. As a noun,it'sthe sound a horse makes. As a verb, it's the horse makingthesound. A familiar word with the same meaningaswhinny is neigh. And it's the horse'swhinnythat tells you he's ready to go for aride.