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Asked by: Najlaa Nuti
home and garden home appliancesHow many recessed lights can you put on a 15 amp circuit?
Similarly, you may ask, how many recessed lights can be on a switch?
Whatever new recessed lighting you add shouldworkwith your existing fixtures. Measure your room to seehowmany fixtures you will need. A common rule of thumb isthat youuse one recessed light for every 4 to 6 square feetofceiling space.
Also to know is, can lights and outlets be on the same circuit?
The outlet receptacles must be served by a20-ampcircuit. The same circuit can supply theentirebathroom (outlets plus lighting), providedthere areno heaters (including vent fans with built-in heaters) andprovidedthe circuit serves only a single bathroom and nootherareas.
The National Electrical Code, NEC has nosuchlimitations. Lighting fixtures can be put onany20 amp circuit except those that are required by code nottohave lighting fixtures (washer, kitchen smallapplicance,and dedicated equipment circuits).