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Asked by: Slobodan Foith
healthy living running and joggingHow many reps and sets should I do for jumping jacks?
Simply so, is it good to do 100 jumping jacks a day?
Depending on your current weight, the intensity of theexercise, and time, you can burn anywhere between 100-200calories by doing jumping jacks. No, it is not safe to dojumping jacks during pregnancy. Jumping jacks arelow-intensity exercises that do not put too much pressure onthe knees.
In this manner, are Jumping Jacks weight bearing?
Examples include walking, hiking, jogging, running,jumping jacks, calisthenics, weight lifting, andsprinting. Cycling, and swimming and rowing are not considered tobe weight bearing exercises because you are sitting down orare in water and are thus not supporting your own bodyweight.
Running at moderate to fast speeds burns morecalories than jumping jacks. For a 150-pound person, doingvigorous jumping jacks burns roughly 549 calories per hour.This is comparable to running at 5 miles per hour, whichburns 576 calories per hour.