Asked by: Malake Ulatowsk
hobbies and interests genealogy and ancestry

How many sevens are there in 777?

In case of Number of factors of 777 as 7 ,there are 111 7's in 777 ..

Likewise, how many 7's are there?

The answer will be 7. There are seven7in this puzzle picture. For being clear of your answer youkeep your eyes on the picture.

how many 7's are there between 1 and 1000? So, there are a total of 3*1000 digits. Now thenumber of times 7 will appear (or in fact any number0,1,2,9) will appear is = 3*1000/10 =300.

Likewise, how many 7's are there in 946?

7, 17, 27,…..197. Also there aresevens in terms like 70, 71, 72…79 (i include 77because there are two of them in this term and one of it isalready included in above AP but the other one requires 77sinclusion for one more time).

How many times will the digit 7 be written?

In every 1000 numbers, 7 will appear in hundred'splace 100 times (from 700 to 799).

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If you go by a calculation method the answer is quiteeasy to find. From 1 - 99: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,90 = 9 Digits = 9 zeroes. If 1000 is included the weget 189 + 3 = 192 zeroes. If 1000 is not includedthen we get 189 zeroes.

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9,19,29,39,49,59,69,79,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99.You have not mentioned if only natural numbers must be consideredwhile counting the number of 9s that appear between 1 and100. If only natural numbers are considered while counting,then 9 appears 20 times.

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Everyone is saying 18 or 11 for some reason….Hereis is. 7,17,27,37,47,57,67,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,87,97. theanswer is 20!!!!!!! (77) is counted twice.

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Now, let's count how many times the digit“3” appears within each group: Within the 9one-digit numbers, a “3” digit appearsonly once. Within the 90 two-digit numbers, the digit“3” appears 19 times: ten times inthe tens place: {30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39}

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There are 4 digits in 1000. There is asingle '1', and 3 zeros. 1+3, as we know, is 4.Therefore there are 4 digits in the number 1000.Infinity. 01000 is still 1000.

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I believe the digit (number) 5 appears 20times.(5,15,25,35,45,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,65,75,85,95)count the 5's that appear. Answer: 20 times digit5 is used between 1 and 100.