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In this manner, how many shots do NBA players take a day?
Training: You don't become the best shooter inNBAhistory by accident. Steph consistently puts up 300shotsafter each practice during the season, and during theoffseasonCurry will ramp up his shooting to over 500 shotsaday. Steph makes sure to shoot three typesofshots.
Similarly one may ask, how many hours a day do NBA players train?
On average, an NBA player is working60–90hours a week when you add it all up. On gameday, theplayers usually arrive early for ashootaround, gettreatment from aches and pains, then play a gamewhich takes about2.5–3 hours, which is followed up byabout 60–90minutes of postgame interviews and thelike.
The Kobe Bryant workout routine features aheftymix of track work, basketball skills and weightlifting.Hisoff-season workout has been called the 666 program becausehespends 2 hours running, 2 hours on basketball, and2hours weightlifting (for a total of 6 hours aday,six times a week, for six months).