Asked by: Russel Casanova
pets birds

How many square feet do turkeys need?

A search will return a lot of answers saying that adult turkeys require 4 square feet per bird. Since an adult turkey can take up nearly 4 square feet just by the size of its body, I disagree. I believe that a minimum of 10 square feet per adult turkey is more appropriate in each area.

Also know, how much space does a turkey need?

6 square feet

One may also ask, what is the best bedding for turkeys? Litter: The best bedding for turkeys is 2-3 inches of clean sand covering the floor. You may also use large wood shavings, straw or hay. Make sure the bedding is very dry before placing it in the brooder. Turn the bedding every few days to eliminate poult contact with their feces and add extra bedding when necessary.

In this manner, how many feet does a turkey have?

Each foot has three toes in front, with a shorter, rear-facing toe in back; males have a spur behind each of their lower legs.

How long does it take for a turkey to grow to full size?

approximately 4-5 months

Related Question Answers

Keren Gabarain


Is it hard to raise turkeys?

Turkeys are not that hard to raise, but they differ a bit from chickens in terms of what they need, and raising them from poults (baby turkeys) is more time- and energy-intensive than raising chickens from baby chicks.

Antonello Petrache


Do turkeys need a coop?

Housing for Breeding Turkeys
There are special requirements if you are raising breeding pairs of toms and hens to lay and hatch eggs. When raising breeding birds, you will need to provide for winter housing and nesting. For breeding, a more solid, permanent turkey house can work well.

Carlos Illarza


How big of a turkey do I need for 20 adults?

Choosing the Right Size Turkey
When choosing a turkey to serve on Thanksgiving, figure 1 1/2 pounds per person. If you are serving 10 people on Thanksgiving, choose a bird that is 15 to 20 pounds. Smaller birds that weigh less than 12 pounds have a smaller meat-to-bone ratio, so figure two pounds per person.

Crispula Yachnik


Do turkeys eat chicken feed?

Once the turkeys are full grown, they no longer need the additional protein, but Game Feed has vitamins and nutrients that are important to a turkey's health. The turkeys also have access to the chicken feed most of the year, which is all at 16%. We raise our turkeys and chickens together during the cooler months.

Shellie Ayerra


Can a Chickens raise turkeys?

The short answer is yes, you can raise turkeys and chickens together. We also keep geese, ducks, and guineas with our chickens in the same coop and run. But before you head off to the feed store to buy a variety of poultry, there's a few more things you should know.

Donika Glavinsky


What can I feed my turkeys?

Adult turkeys will eat as much as fifty percent of their intake from pasture or range grass. Range grass is grass that is four to six inches long. Turkeys like to eat the growing tips of the grass. They will also enjoy any kitchen or garden scraps: lettuce, tomatoes, sweet corn, summer squash, and so on.

Xiaojing Osborn


What is a female turkey called?

Turkeys. A male turkey is called a tom or a gobbler, a female turkey a hen, and a baby turkey a poult or chick. A young male turkey is called a jake and a young female is called a jenny. A group of wild turkeys is called a flock, a group of domesticated turkeys is commonly referred to as a rafter.

Araia Gommers


Can turkeys eat bananas?

By far, the turkey's favorite snacks are small pieces of Bananas. However they readily gobble down any type of bread, raisins and grapes. When in season, acorns are eagerly snatched up and swallowed. Turkeys require additional protein to their diets.

Adelin Ajuriaguerra


How much does turkey feed cost?

On average, a hen turkey will consume around 35 pounds of feed (current cost of about $5.69 or $. 33/pound of gain) and reach 14-20 pounds (live weight) in 12-14 weeks. Toms will consume about 90 pounds of feed (current cost of about $14.65 or $.

Atika Agishev


Do turkeys eat bread?

During the winter, when snow cover made food difficult to find, our turkeys still had a strong preference for cracked corn, but they would eat the other seeds. Although they sometimes ate bread or popcorn, they appeared to have trouble recognizing these items as food.

Vachagan Zaldegui


Why would a turkey be alone?

Because the turkeys are ground nesting, their eggs are particularly vulnerable to predators that destroy and eat the eggs, or kill and eat the young turkeys after they are hatched. Your lone turkey could be one of those guys.

Tracy Allue


What is a group of turkeys called?

A group of turkeys is technically called a “rafter”, though they are often incorrectly referred to as a “gobble” or simply a “flock”.

Ismaela Prudent


What to feed turkeys to fatten them up?

Give them an assortment of feed to choice from so they can use whats best for them. eg. Whole corn, whole oats, game bird pellets (high protein).

Diamantino Baquedano


How do you raise a turkey for a day old?

Make sure they are fully feathered and at least eight weeks old before moving poults to their new outdoor housing. You can give them access to outdoors but still provide the lamp at night for a week or two, and then finally move them to their new, grown-up turkey roosts and pen.

Chaouki Bakaloff


How often do you feed turkeys?

During the season you may also need to reseed to keep your pastures in top condition. Feed your turkeys plenty of greens, especially lettuce which they love. You can give your turkeys lettuce three times a day, if you wish. If your milk goes off in the fridge – feed it to your turkeys.

Sylvia Dobrescu


How long does it take from the time a turkey is hatched until it is harvested?

Butchering, Processing, And Cooking Turkey
If you chose to go with a broad breasted turkey, they should reach butchering weight faster than a heritage breed of a turkey. With that being said, at 16-22 weeks they should be dressed out at around 12 to 14 pounds. A heritage breed turkey will mature at 25-30 weeks.

Jaled Beierle


Is raising turkeys profitable?

Turkeys can be a fun, profitable addition to a small farm or homestead. They are usually raised for meat, although some people like to keep a "tom" (a mature male turkey) around as a pet.

Servulo Bezanilla


How much does a turkey chick cost?

These turkey poults will grow much faster and reach a market weight in a more economical fashion. Live turkeys are generally sold as day old poults (freshly hatched chicks). The price will range based on the breed, but generally they cost anywhere from about $3.00 to $20.00 each.