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Asked by: Horacia Lopegarcia
home and garden home appliancesHow many stools should you have on an island?
In order to determine how many stools will fit at your kitchen island, home experts recommend you allow 28 to 30 inches for each seating space, which means you can divide the length of your island's counter by 30 to to figure out how many stools will comfortably fit.
Hereof, how long should an island be for 4 stools?
The standard length of a 4-seat island is 10′. Standard depth with a sink is 42″.
People also ask, how many bar stools do I need?
We recommend 26" – 30" between the centers of each bar stool. This leaves at least 6" between each seat so you can get into and out of your seat easily and not bump elbows with anyone. Wider stools should have even more room between seats, with 8" – 10" between stools that are 19" – 22" wide.
29 to 32 inches