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Asked by: Apryl Plagaro
food and drink healthy cooking and eatingHow many times a day should I drink green tea to lose weight?
Similarly, it is asked, how much green tea should you drink a day to lose weight?
Drinking between 2 and 3 cups of hot greentea throughout the day should be sufficient forsupplementing weight loss. The exact amount will vary fromperson to person, depending on how much caffeine theyconsume and their natural metabolism.
Keeping this in consideration, what is the best time to take green tea for weight loss?
Early morning can be a good time to drink greentea because your metabolism is the highest, which can beboosted with a nice hot cup of green tea. It is goodto drink green tea in the evening too because that'swhen your metabolism tends to dip, so this could be yourlast shot to prolong your dipping metabolism."
Regularly drinking green tea can help you loseweight and reduce your risk of several diseases, includingdiabetes, heart disease and cancer. Drinking three to five cupsof green tea per day seems to be optimal to reap themost health benefits. In fact, drinking more green tea maygreatly improve your health.