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Asked by: Dieng Inurrikarro
automotive road side assistanceHow many times can a truck tire be retreaded?
Accordingly, how many years do truck tires last?
Many automakers, including Ford, Nissan and Mercedes-Benz, tell owners to replace tires six years after their production date, regardless of tread life. Tire manufacturers such as Continental and Michelin say a tire can last up to 10 years provided you get annual tire inspections after the fifth year.
Just so, are retreaded tires safe?
Modern retread tires are safe, so safe that even school bus fleets use them. The reality is that retread tires are crafted and tested to perform like new tires. Tires that cause accidents are bald or under inflated, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation.
“For $50 or $75 more I can get them into a tire with a premium tread that can be retreaded again at least once. That alone will lower their tire cost per mile and deliver better value than the imported tire.” Retreads are a cost-effective alternative to the top-tier tires.