Asked by: Victory Brinkop
hobbies and interests genealogy and ancestry

How many times does the digit 3 appears from 1 to 1000?

How can I find out how many times number3 appears in 1 to 1000 ? The answer is300.

Similarly one may ask, how many times the digit 3 appears in numbers from 1 to 1000?

Within the 9 one-digit numbers, a“3digit appears only once. Within the90 two-digit numbers, the digit3appears 19 times: tentimes in the tens place:{30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39}

Additionally, how many times does the number 3 occur in units place for numbers ranging from 1 to 100? Explanation: Clearly, From 1 to 100, there areten numbers with 3 as the unit's digit -3, 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 63, 73, 83, 93 and ten numberswith 3 as the ten's digit - 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,38, 39.

Also, how many times does the digit 5 appear from 1 to 1000?

I believe the digit (number) 5 appears 20times.(5,15,25,35,45,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,65,75,85,95)count the 5's that appear. Answer: 20 times digit5 is used between 1 and 100.

How many threes is 1000?

There are 299 (180+119) 3s between 1 and1,000. 20 =(3,13,23,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,43,53,63,73,83,93);

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9,19,29,39,49,59,69,79,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99.You have not mentioned if only natural numbers must be consideredwhile counting the number of 9s that appear between 1 and100. If only natural numbers are considered while counting,then 9 appears 20 times.

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So, there are a total of 3*1000 digits. Now thenumber of times 7 will appear (or in fact any number0,1,2,9) will appear is = 3*1000/10 =300.

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If you enter 4325 into your locker it won't open becauseit is a different ordering (aka permutation). Thepermutations of 2, 3, 4, 5 are: 5432, 5423, 5324, 5342,5234, 5243, 4532, 4523, 4325, 4352, 4253, 4235, 3542, 3524, 3425,3452, 3254, 3245, 2543, 2534, 2435, 2453, 2354, 2345.

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On the number line the 3 digit numbers are: 100 - 999 So if I would start at 1 - 999 then I have 999numbers in total. from those I will take away the onedigit numbers : 9 and the two digit numbers: 90 I.e:999-99 = 900 3 digit numbers.

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How many 9s are there between 1 and 1000?

100 nines. There are 300 total nines between11000. You could also say that all single digitnumbers receive equal treatment regarding their frequency in thespan of 0–999, which has the same number of 9's as11000 (0 inclusive).

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Here is the output: Program to find the totalnumber of sixes in all 6-digit numbers. Thereare a total of 550000 6's in all 6-digitnumbers. There are a total of 450000 0's in all6-digit numbers.

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If you go by a calculation method the answer is quiteeasy to find. From 1 - 99: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,90 = 9 Digits = 9 zeroes. If 1000 is included the weget 189 + 3 = 192 zeroes. If 1000 is not includedthen we get 189 zeroes.

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Number Name How Many
100 one hundred ten tens
1,000 one thousand ten hundreds
10,000 ten thousand ten thousands
100,000 one hundred thousand one hundred thousands

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How many times is the digit 5 written when listing?

2 Answers. By adding the number of times thedigit 5 occurs in each position, you have counted eachnumber in which 5 appears exactly two times twice andeach number in which 5 appears exactly three timesthrice, once for each position in which it occurs, which is whyyour method produces the right answer.

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In every 1000 numbers, 7 will appear inhundred's place 100 times (from 700 to 799).

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This shows that any simgle-digit numberincluding 8 is repeated 20 times between 1 -100. On counting number of times, we only get 20.This thing is also true for any other number, youcan check it.

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Between 400 & 450 there are450-400=50 whole numbers.

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1 therefore occurs 19 times innumbers 10–99, but only in 18 numbers, as itcomes up twice in one number, 11.

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And from 200 to 300, there are 100numbers beginning with 2. They are 200, 201, 202,299.There are 110 numbers between 100 and 300 which eitherbegin with or end with 2.

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9, 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, 79, 89, 90, 91, 92,93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99.