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Asked by: Francesca Shabbetai
medical health digestive disordersHow many Tums can you take in 24 hours?
Similarly, it is asked, how many Tums can you take at once?
The Tums label advises taking only a fewinone sitting, not exceeding 7,500 milligrams, whichdependingon the dosage (it comes in 500, 750, and 1,000 mg doses)canrange anywhere from 7 to 15 tablets.
Just so, what happens if you take too much Tums?
Serious side effects can happen with an overdose oroveruseof antacids. Side effects include constipation, diarrhea,change inthe color of bowel movements, and stomachcramps.
Antacids are a good treatment for heartburnthatoccurs once in a while. Take antacids about 1 houraftereating or when you have heartburn. If you aretakingthem for symptoms at night, DO NOT take themwithfood.