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Asked by: Iustin Mcintyre
science chemistryHow many unpaired electrons does silicon have in the ground state?
Answer and Explanation:
There are two unpaired electrons in thegroundstate Si atom.
Furthermore, how many unpaired electrons does silicon have in its ground state?
two unpaired electrons
People also ask, how many unpaired electrons does lithium have?
The first two electrons in lithium fillthe1s orbital and have the same sets of four orbitals isthathaving the maximum number of unpaired electrons. Oct14, Thenext element is lithium, with Z = 3 andthreeelectrons in the state of a neutral carbon atomdoesindeed contain two unpairedelectrons.
Silicon atoms have 14 electrons andtheshell structure is 2.8.4. The ground stateelectronconfiguration of ground state gaseousneutralsilicon is [Ne].3s2.3p2 and thetermsymbol is 3P0.