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Asked by: Liling Beutl
technology and computing cameras and camcordersHow many volts in a Taser can kill you?
Consequently, can a Taser kill you?
Tasers Can Stop The Heart And Kill.Tasers, also known as stun guns, can cause suddencardiac arrest and death, researchers from Indiana UniversitySchool of Medicine reported in the journal Circulation. The authorexplained that applying an electric shock with an electroniccontrol device to the chest can be deadly.
In this manner, can 50000 volts kill you?
Assaid in other answers, what matters is not voltage. And it's notcurrent either: passing high currents (e.g. 1 amper) through thebody for microseconds is not only completely harmless, the victimwould not even feel it. Tasers are designed to be not (very)lethal.
7 watts