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Also question is, how long do chickens live and lay eggs?
Chickens live eight years on average, buthensonly productively lay eggs in the first two, maybethreeyears of their lives. And on the commercial level, it's closertotwo years, and sometimes less. When hens are productivelylayingeggs, they'll lay one egg about every22hours.
In this regard, do chickens only lay eggs for two years?
A chicken (called a pullet until she isayear old), begins laying eggs when she is about 18to20 weeks old or so. Healthy chickens lay eggs mostreliablyin their first 2 to 3 years. After that,eggproduction will taper off. We found that our oldhensusually produce fewer eggs, but largerones.
It is a common misconception that chickensarealways just naturally “giving”eggs,because modern egg hens have been intensivelybred tolay between 250 to 300 eggs ayear.