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Asked by: Piergiorgio Castens
personal finance home financingHow much a bank teller makes an hour?
Subsequently, one may also ask, how much do bank tellers make 2019?
The average Bank Teller salary in theUnitedStates is $59,470 as of August 27, 2019. Therangefor our most popular Bank Teller positions (listedbelow)typically falls between $24,957 and $93,984.
In this regard, what is the average wage for a bank teller?
The Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational OutlookHandbook statesthat in 2012, the median wage for a bankteller was $11.99per hour, which equates to an averagesalary of $24,940 peryear.
The bank's minimum hourly rate will increaseto$17 on May 1, 2019, and will continue to rise untilitreaches $20 an hour in 2021. According to the bank,theaverage pay rate for all U.S. hourly workersis"significantly above this level."