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Asked by: Steffany Schallschmidt
events and attractions concerts and music eventsHow much are Cedar Point tickets at Costco?
Herein, does Costco sell Cedar Point tickets?
Costco can get two admission ticketsandfree parking for $79. Regular tickets cost $72 each,andparking is $20. Cedar Point is celebrating Christmas inJulywith a buy one, get one free ticket promotion. If youbuytickets before 9 a.m.
Also to know is, how much are tickets to Cedar Point?
A Cedar Point 2019 season pass withunlimitedvisits is now $139 — less than the cost of two daily$73tickets. And the park lets you pay for it in eightpaymentsof $14.75. With group sales, a daily ticket is $43perperson if your group is 15 or more.
Short Answer: Select Kroger grocery storesselldiscount Cedar Point tickets. During our research,weonly found one Kroger in Sandusky, Ohio, withdiscounttickets available. Two-day passes forCedarPoint and Kings Island are available for $65 —the sameprice you'll pay for a Combo Coasterticketonline.