Asked by: Steffany Schallschmidt
events and attractions concerts and music events

How much are Cedar Point tickets at Costco?

A regularly-priced Cedar Point ticket is$72.Costco members can get two tickets for just alittlemore than the price of one along with free parking.You canuse the tickets on any trip this season. This dealappearsto be better than Cedar Point's ownbuy-one-get-onedeal.

Herein, does Costco sell Cedar Point tickets?

Costco can get two admission ticketsandfree parking for $79. Regular tickets cost $72 each,andparking is $20. Cedar Point is celebrating Christmas inJulywith a buy one, get one free ticket promotion. If youbuytickets before 9 a.m.

Also, does AAA offer discount Cedar Point tickets? Historically, Northeast Ohio AAA officeshaveoffered its members discounts on generaladmissionCedar Point admission tickets.Tickets can beordered online via the Ohio AAAwebsite.

Also to know is, how much are tickets to Cedar Point?

A Cedar Point 2019 season pass withunlimitedvisits is now $139 — less than the cost of two daily$73tickets. And the park lets you pay for it in eightpaymentsof $14.75. With group sales, a daily ticket is $43perperson if your group is 15 or more.

Can you buy Cedar Point tickets at Kroger?

Short Answer: Select Kroger grocery storesselldiscount Cedar Point tickets. During our research,weonly found one Kroger in Sandusky, Ohio, withdiscounttickets available. Two-day passes forCedarPoint and Kings Island are available for $65 —the sameprice you'll pay for a Combo Coasterticketonline.

Related Question Answers

Braudilia Marchuet


Is it cheaper to buy Cedar Point tickets online?

Where to buy the cheapest CedarPointtickets. Shorter and older individuals can buyticketsat the gate for $43.99. At the very least, buyyourtickets online and save about $10 per ticket.Youwill pay a $5.99 service fee for your online order,butyou'll still come out ahead.

Joselia Quinz


Does Meijer have Cedar Point tickets?

Yes, you can purchase tickets forCedarPoint at select Meijer stores!

Saidia Bogado


How much are Cedar Point tickets with military discount?

To Celebrate and thank our armed forces and veteransthisIndependence Day, active, retired or honorablydischargedmilitary members can take advantage of FREE parkadmission!Military members can purchase up to 6tickets per IDfor family & friends for $45.00, plustax.

Margery Lakbir


Does Cedar Point offer a military discount?

“All active, retired or honorablydischargedmilitary members are eligible, plus up to sixCedarPoint tickets can be purchased for immediate familymembers atour military discount rate,” according toCedarPoint's site.

Bouamama Kluczni


Does Costco have Lagoon tickets?

Costco currently hasdiscountedLagoon Frightmare passes for just $54.99(reg.$68.95).

Sinaita Lutsche


Clemente Jimirov


How much are Canobie Lake tickets at Costco?

Canobie Lake Park Prices
It's $29 for seniors and children under 48″anyday of the week. From September 1-15, general admission foradultsdrops to $39 any day of the week and remains at $29 forseniors andkids under 48″. Admission is $27 for everybodyafter 5 pm.Children 3 and under are alwaysfree.

Krystal Labonde


Is there a AAA discount for Cedar Point?

AAA Discounted Cedar PointTicketsAvailable Online!
This amazing thrill park features 72world-classrides.

Mihael Jesu


Has anyone ever died at Cedar Point?

There was at least one incident in which ariderdied after riding Wildcat, another died afterridingRaptor, and in both cases the deaths were notdirectlyrelated to the ride. There have also been peoplestruck bylightning at Cedar Point.

Del Oevermann


What rides are open at Cedar Point during HalloWeekends?

HalloWeekends tickets and dates
During this season homestretch, the parkisopen 6 p.m.-midnight Fridays, 11 a.m.-midnight Saturdaysand11 a.m.-8 p.m. Sundays – with special extended hours of11a.m.-10 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 13, the park's officialwebsitecalendar notes.

Marlis Palancha


Debbra Pharlain


Can you do Cedar Point a day?

If visiting on a summer Saturday, linescanbe substantially longer, and Fast Lane may berecommended if time isof the essence. Riding all of CedarPoint's roller coasterswithin one day can be quite thefeat but totally doabledepending on the day of yourvisit.

Dalmiro Obergfell


Does Cedar Point have free parking?

Get season pass perks and benefits onlinetoday!Parking at Express Hotel is free,howeverparking at Cedar Point is not included with aroomreservation. Valid for unlimited admission to CedarPointonly 5/11-6/30/19. Not valid for Cedar Point Shoresorparking.

Librada Zeimet


Is Cedar Point busy?

If you want light crowds, a good time to visitison Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdaysduringopening week in late May through the first week of June.Duringthis time, weekends are generally moderately busy, butcomeJune, the summers crowds start to kick in and theweekdaysare busy as well.

Honorata Guddorp


What does Cedar Point Gold Pass include?

2020 Gold Pass
Includes Unlimited Visits to CedarPointand Cedar Point Shores Waterpark for the rest of2019 andall of 2020, Free Parking, special discounts, and more.Just $99,or 10 easy payments of $8 afterinitialpayment.

Qiana Mouronho


Joris Kuersten


How much are Kings Island tickets?

Terms & Conditions for One Day Ticket
Gate price Qty
General Admission (ages 3+) $72.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Lakendra Castelar
