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Also asked, how long does a b12 shot last?
The only water-soluble nutrient that has the capabilityof being stored in the body is B12; however, it's in minuteamounts. Having said all that, the effects of our shots varybetween individuals, but typically are felt for about oneweek.
People also ask, what does a b12 shot do?
Uses. Cyanocobalamin is a man-made form of vitaminB12 used to treat low levels (deficiency) of this vitamin.Vitamin B12 helps your body use fat and carbohydrates forenergy and make new protein. Serious vitamin B12 deficiencymay result in anemia, stomach problems, and nervedamage.
Dietary deficiencycan be treated with tablets. Those with problems absorbingB12 from the stomach are often givenhydroxocobalamin, an injectable form of B12. This is givensix times over two weeks, followed by once every threemonths.