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Asked by: Laurine Amatriain
technology and computing web hostingHow much can you make selling websites?
Herein, can you make money buying websites?
If you want to get into the businessofbuying and selling websites for profityourself,first become a financial buyer so you can make aprofit.Once you have a solid portfolioofmoney-making web properties, you canswitchover to being more strategic and creative with your onlinepropertypurchases.
- Determine the Value Of Your Domain. The first thing you'llneedto do is properly price your domain.
- Decide How You'd Like to Sell.
- 3. Make sure your contact information is public on theWHOISdirectory.
- Prepare Your Domain Listing.
- Use an Escrow Service to Receive Payment.
- Transfer the Domain.
Furthermore, how much can you sell a domain name for?
Realistically a domain name can be worthanyamount but most domain names sell for around $5,000to$20,000 – premium domains, category killers andshortdomains however can easily command $100,000ormillions depending on a wide number of reasons.
Website flipping is the art of buying,improvingand selling websites. The term comes from thepropertyindustry where investors will buy a property, renovate itto addvalue, and then sell it at a higher price. Websiteflippingis essentially the same process online.