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Asked by: Yohan Resti
real estate real estate renting and leasingHow much can your rent be raised in California?
Also asked, how can I legally raise my rent in California?
California law has clear rules that dictatehowmuch notice a landlord must give a tenant before raisingtherent. If your rent is going up by 10 percent orless,your landlord has to give you a minimum of 30 days noticeinwriting, with an additional five days added if they are sendingthenotice via mail.
Keeping this in consideration, is there a limit on how much rent can be increased?
When and How Your Landlord Can RaisetheRent If you rent under a month-to-monthrentalagreement, the landlord can raise therent (or changeany other term of the rentalarrangement) by giving you theproper amount of notice, which inmost states is 30days.
All this means that rent can only be increased3%- 10% every year. If your landlord pays for thegasand electricity in your rental unit, he or shemayincrease your rent another 1% for each utility.Alandlord may also raise the rent for anadditionaltenant.