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Asked by: Feifei Saginala
technology and computing data storage and warehousingHow much data does a floppy disk hold?
Floppy disks store much less datathan a CD-ROM disk or USB flash drive. A normal 3½inch disk can store 1.44 megabytes of data. This isusually enough for simple text documents. A special type offloppy disk was made in the late 1980s.
Beside this, how much MB Can a floppy disc hold?
3.5-inch floppy diskettes come in sizes of 720 KBlow-density, 1.44 MB high density capacity, and IBM evendeveloped an extended density disk capable of holding2.88 MB. The picture is a diagram of a floppydiskette and each of its major components.
Beside above, how long does data last on a floppy disk?
Media | Estimated Lifespan |
Magnetic data (tapes) | Up to 10 years |
Nintendo cartridge | 10-20 years |
Floppy disk | 10-20 years |
CDs and DVDs | 5-10 unrecorded, 2-5 recorded |
Floppy disks have low data storage capacitymaking them unsuitable for many modern applications such as storingmusic, videos and high-resolution photos. Despite theirshortcomings, floppy disks have several notableadvantages. Floppy disks used to be the premierbackup device.