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Asked by: Suelen Kartalov
music and audio tv and film podcastsHow much data does uploading a YouTube video take?
A regular 480p YouTube video will generallyproduces a standard of 30 frames per second (FPS). This apparentlyeats up 264MB worth of data per hour. Videos usinghigher quality settings like 720p (HD) are said to use about870MB in one hour, while 1080p (Full HD) video playbackneeds around 1.65GB.
Similarly one may ask, how much data does it take to load a video?
SD-quality video uses about 0.7GB (700MB) perhour. HD quality video is between 720p and 2K (remember, theapp adjusts the stream). HD-quality video uses about 0.9GB(720p), 1.5GB (1080p) and 3GB (2K) per hour. UHD qualityvideo uses a lot of data.
Keeping this in consideration, does uploading use mobile data?
it does affect your data usage. Only thespeed of upload and download differ from each other but theyuse the same reserve of data. So it doesn't matter ifyou are downloading or uploading files, it always usesdata from your data balance.
YouTube Data Usage
Video Quality | 144p | 240p |
Per minute | 1.3MB | 3.3MB |
Per hour | 80MB | 200MB |