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Asked by: Ihssane Sagrario
movies fantasy moviesHow much did Elijah Wood make off of Lord of the Rings?
Regarding this, how much money did Viggo Mortensen make from Lord of the Rings?
Viggo Mortensen Net Worth – Earnings fromLOTR and Other Movies. Danish-American actor ViggoMortensen has a net worth of $30 million. 60-years-oldViggo earns most of his fortunes from his career as anactor, plus he is Poet, Musician, Painter, Author, andPhotographer.
Additionally, how much is Elijah Wood worth?
Elijah Wood net worth and salary:Elijah Wood is an American actor who has a net worthof $30 million dollars. Elijah Wood was born in CedarRapids, Iowa in 1981.
Tolkien once said of his fictional world, and now sohas Amazon Prime Video, which paid a reported $250million for the rights to produce a Lord of the Rings TVseries.