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Asked by: Jinhao Zhiharevitch
family and relationships adoption and fosteringHow much do foster parents get paid in Los Angeles County?
Correspondingly, how much do foster parents get paid in LA County?
The current basic rate in California is $923 a monthperchild. According to the California Department of SocialServices(CDSS), which oversees the county-run fostercareagencies in the state, about 4,600 homes have been approvedthroughthe new approval process.
Also to know, how much do foster parents get paid in California?
Foster parents do receive a monthlypaymentfrom the California Department of SocialServices to helpfeed and clothe the foster child as well asmeet any othermaterial needs the child might have. Basic fostercare ratesrange from $657 to $820 a month.
In New York, a licensed fosterparentcaring for a child in New York City canreceive from$520 to $709 per month from the Office of Childand Family Services(OCFS)—equivalent to Connecticut'sDCF—depending on theage of the child.