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Asked by: Dacio Vilchepolsky
automotive auto buying and sellingHow much do license plates cost in Florida?
Also to know is, how much does a new license plate cost in Florida?
For vehicles, if you do not currently haveaFlorida license plate to transfer to this vehicle, youwillpay a one-time $225.00 “new wheels on theroad”fee, $2 per lien, plus registration fees depending onthe weight ofyour vehicle—range is from $46.15 to $72.40.Here's acomplete list of fees.
Subsequently, question is, how much does tag and title cost in Florida?
As of 2019, the title transfer feesinFlorida are $75.25 for an electronic title or a$2.50additional fee for a paper title. If you placelienson the vehicle, they cost $2 each.Licenseplate and vehicle registration feesdepend on thevehicle's weight.
Motor Vehicle Registration Fees
Motorcycles | $10.00 |
Transporter | $101.25 |
Commercial Motor Vehicle Surcharge on vehicles 10,000 lbsormore | $10.00 |
Original/Replacement License Plate Fee | $28.00 |
Initial Registration Fee | $225.00 |