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Asked by: Nafissatou Haneklaus
education primary educationHow much do Zambian teachers get paid?
Also question is, how much does a doctor get paid in Zambia?
A Zambian doctor, after seven years in trainingfor a medical degree, earns a gross salary of about US $489before income tax deductions of 30 percent. To make endsmeet, most doctors moonlight at private clinics, earningbetween US $20 and US $25 per five-hour shift.
Similarly, can you be a doctor after being a clinical officer?
A CO with a bachelor's degree can also go on tomedical school. Clinical officers can also get amaster's degree in anesthesia, family medicine, and forensicpathology. They train with doctors who have a bachelor'sdegree in medicine and surgery and they become specialiststogether.
Zambia also has one of the world's fastestgrowing populations with the UN projecting that its population willtriple by 2050. But economic growth and massive Chinese investmenthave failed to improve the lives of most Zambians, withtwo-thirds still living in poverty.