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Asked by: Livan Behtold
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow much does 4 oz raw chicken weigh cooked?
Beside this, does chicken weigh more or less when cooked?
Weighing your food raw is most accurate because when you cook any food it either absorbs water or water evaporates. For example, 100 grams of uncooked chicken will weigh less than 100 grams once it's cooked. The weight change will depend on the cooking method and time.
Simply so, how do you convert raw weight to cooked weight?
We have 2.38 (4 ounce) servings, or 57g protein, 0g carbs, 2g fat. That's it; weigh your meat raw. If you can't weigh your meat raw, go ahead and multiply the weight of your cooked meat by a 1.1 – 1.5 as described above to appropriately apply the meat's nutrition facts.
Here's a rule of thumb to translate from raw to cooked portions of meats and poultry. Dubost suggests that for meats, it's reasonable to estimate you'll lose about a quarter of the weight in cooking. So four ounces of raw meat with no bones will serve up roughly three ounces cooked.