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Asked by: Tiffaney Lacar
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow much does a Berkshire pig cost?
Simply so, how much would a pig cost?
So, the short and sweet answer is, for a good feeder pig, expect to pay from $60-$100 depending on age and breed. For breeding pigs of good quality and genetically sound bloodlines, expect to pay somewhere between $300-$1000. Keep in mind that some of these pigs sell at shows for thousands of dollars.
Likewise, people ask, how much does a Berkshire pig weight?
600 lb
Many farmers start their livestock operations by raising pigs for profit. Hogs can be an economical way to get a good return on your initial investment if you keep track of your expenses and infrastructure costs. Raising pigs for profit isn't for everyone, but it can be a good way for your homestead to earn income.