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Simply so, how much does a calf cost?
The average price for calves was $165.17in2017, compared to $162.58 in 2016. Monthly calfpricesaveraged $263.00 in 2015, up more than $8 from2014.
Besides, what is a bucket calf?
When a cow is unable to care for a newborn calf,acommon practice is to raise the animal independently. Theseanimalsare nicknamed bucket calves because they are fedwith abucket or a bottle with a nipple until theyareweaned. Some bucket calves are from beefcows.
The first two columns in the table provideestimatedcosts for feeding milk replacer; one programis amilk replacer with 20% protein and 20% fat fed at a rateof1.25 pounds of powder per calf per day with acost$75 per bag.