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Asked by: Yang Crawley
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow much does a Buderus boiler cost?
Herein, how long does a Buderus boiler last?
The Age Of The Unit: With proper maintenance, a condensing boiler can last up to 15 years. If you have a cast iron boiler, it will last between 20 and 30 years. Some cast iron boilers can last 50 years. However, the efficiency of these boilers is much lower than a modern cast iron boiler.
People also ask, how much does it cost to install a new gas boiler?
Boiler Replacement Cost. The cost of replacing a standard gas boiler is about $4,000. A high-efficiency model costs about $7,500. This cost estimate usually includes removal and disposal of the old unit, as well as all necessary lines and wiring needed for the new system to run properly.
A new boiler cost, including installation, averages $7,000 (but the cost can range between $4,000-$7,500). Most homeowners struggle with repairing or replacing their gas boilers.