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Similarly one may ask, how much does a RMA make in NC?
In Charlotte, a Registered MedicalAssistant(RMA) takes home an average of $15.02per hour. Thisis 5% above the national average for aRegisteredMedical Assistant (RMA) whichis$14.
In this manner, how much does a CMA make in Charlotte NC?
The average salary for a CertifiedMedicalAssistant is $15.12 per hour in Charlotte, NC,whichmeets the national average.
In February 2015, online job advertisements inNorthCarolina offered ADN nurses an average annualsalary of$46,663 and an average hourly wage of $22.43,whileBSN-educated nurses were offered an averageannualsalary of $69,250 and an average hourly wageof$33.29.