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Asked by: Shaista Kunne
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow much does a packer brisket cost?
On average, brisket is around $4 to $5 a pound. Stores usually price higher if it is a cut that wastes part of the beef. This means that a flat cut brisket is pricier, at around $8 a pound, while a packer or Texas brisket cut can be as low as $2 or $3 per pound.
Herein, how much is brisket per pound?
Generally, butchers recommend calculating about ½ pound per person, uncooked weight. I always get at least two pounds over the recommended amount, which allow for guests taking larger portions, and will hopefully leave you with some nice leftovers.
how much is brisket per pound at Costco?
Costco Kirkland USDA Prime Brisket $3.79/lb YMMV.
The photos here show a whole 12-pound packer brisket as it arrived from the packer. The cutting board is 20" x 14". The fat cap is 1/4" to 1/2" thick.